New hire!
Visions4Health welcomes Nicola Redfern, Senior Advisor – Rare Disease, to our team…
Listen to Lisa speak at Clinical Pharmacy Congress North
How medicines and nutrients might interact…
Congratulations Helen!
Helen receives her AoEC Executive Coaching Practitioner Diploma…
Listen to Lisa speak at Best Practice Show
How do medicines and nutrients interact?
New hire!
Visions4Health welcomes Jonny Savage, Senior Consultant, to our team…
Watch the ‘State of the Relationship’ survey highlights
This short video outlines the topline findings – contact us if you would like to discuss in more detail
State of the Relationship Webinar – Event finished
If you missed our webinar, don’t worry..’ just take a look at our short highlights video
New Hire!
Visions4Health welcomes Helen Keddie as our newest Non-Executive Director…
The ‘State of the Relationship’ survey is back!
Survey now closed, but come to our webinar to hear the results…
Visions4Health & HCA Workshop
This event has passed but it was a big success and we’ve been asked to deliver 2 more in 2023!